Online Event
3 April 2021 (Sa)

We are very pleased to announce that one of our favorite teachers Matthew Sweeney will be teaching an INVERSIONS WORKSHOP for us covering Headstand, Forarm Balance and Handstand in the beginning of April. It will be an Online Zoom Event with the opportunity to be interactive and ask questions. The event will be recorded and can be watched later. Yoga students and teachers of all traditions and levels are welcome. Don´t miss this truly rare opportunity to learn from a well-known and highly skilled yoga teacher.

Yogamelange_Matthew Sweeney_Online Inversions Workshop


Sa 3. April von 11 bis 13:15 Uhr

€ 30


Booking & Info
Marija +43 699 171 098 83

Saturday, 3rd April / 11:00-13:15
WS Inversions with Matthew Sweeney

Headstand, Forearm Balance, and Handstand. With some simple and repeatable techniques, you can learn how to evolve and improve your practice of all inversions. If you follow the instruction in this workshop, and practice the method diligently for 1 year following the workshop, you can accomplish free-balancing in many inversions. Students will need one block and a clear wall space for attending this class. The camera should be positioned so Matthew can clearly see the student on the wall space in full.

All timings are CET/MEZ but you are welcome to join us from wherever you may be in the world.


Yogamelange_Matthew Sweeney_Online Inversions Workshop

Matthew Sweeney has been practicing Yoga for more than 30 years, and teaching for 25 years. He has developed a number of Vinyasa Sequences – called Vinyasa Krama Mandiram – to suit people of any age and ability. Although this method is movement based, it is easily applied for students as Yoga-therapy – individual application without losing your adventurous spirit. VKM will enhance your well-being with the prospect of continuing to practice decades into the future with real harmony and joy.

Matthew has also spent the last 30 years practicing different forms of self inquiry, including Meditation, Tantra, Gestalt Therapy, Transforming Cellular Memory, Buddhism, and Advaita Vedanta. All of these have contributed greatly to his understanding of Yoga and the connection between the body, mind, and indivisible Self. Matthew is the author of Vinyasa Krama Mandiram, Ashtanga Yoga As It Is, various Yoga DVDs, and many articles on Yoga and consciousness.