Jivamukti Masterclass with Rima Rabbath
16. April 2018
We are looking very much forward to welcome Rima Rabbath in Vienna for the first time!
Montag, 16. April
18:00–20:00 Uhr
€ 35
*€ 5 discount for Yogamelange students (€ 30)
Yogamelange, Thaliastraße 2 im Hof, Top 11-12, 1160 Wien
Booking & Info
Marija +43 699 171 098 83
E-Mail: info@yogamelange.at
Rima is one of the most experienced Jivamukti Yoga Teachers in the world. She is a team member of the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Trainings as well as the number one teacher at Jivamukti Yoga School NYC. Her style of teaching is overwhelmingly devotional and filled with pure love and joy. Serving the students to the best of her ability is her very unique skill. Rima’s playlists are non-heard of and come with sweat provoking Asana and her irresistible kind humour.
She will teach a Jivamukti Master Class at Yogamelange. A two hours exploration of the Jivamukti method. Come and explore the unique fusion of the 5 tenets, which form the foundation of Jivamukti Yoga: Ahimsa (non-violence), Bhakti (devotion), Dhyana (meditation), Nada (sound) and Shastra (reference to ancient yoga scriptures.
The Class is open for all Levels and will be taught in English.