Ashtanga Yoga Intensive mit Laruga Glaser
1. – 3. Juni (Fr-So)
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass uns Laruga nun zum dritten Mal in Wien besuchen kommt. Laruga ist eine von wenigen autorisierten Ashtanga Yoga Lehrerinnen (KPJAYI Level 2) weltweit. Seit über 20 Jahren widmet sie sich der transformierenden Ashtanga Praxis und hält über den ganzen Globus verteilt Workshops und Trainings, in denen sie ihr immenses Wissen und ihre Liebe zum Ashtanga Yoga und seiner Tradition teilt. Ihre ruhige und fokussierte Art ist sehr inspirierend. Auf eine angenehme Art und Weise weiss sie ihre Schüler zu fodern, so dass sie ihr wahres Potential spüren können. Wenn du deine Praxis und dein Wissen vertiefen möchtest, solltest du dir diese einmalige Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen.
Der Workshop ist für Ashtanga Yoga Übende verschiedener Level sowie Yogalehrende geeignet. Aufgrund der begrenzten Teilnehmerzahl empfehlen wir eine rechtzeitige Anmeldung.
1. – 3. Juni (Fr-So)
€ 220 (full weekend)
€ 70 (2x Mysore Classes)
€ 165 (3x Workshops)
€ 55 (per Workshop)
Yogamelange, Thaliastraße 2 im Hof, Top 11-12, 1160 Wien
Booking & Info
Marija +43 699 171 098 83
Workshop Program
Friday, 1st June
Led Primary series is traditionally counted (in Sanskrit) in a rhythmic fashion to invoke a sense of flow and concentration as we breathe and move in a unified manner. This will be a full Led Primary Series class from start to finish in celebration and honor of the immeasurable lineage of Ashtanga yoga. Time will also be taken afterward for discussion and Q&A.
Saturday, 2nd June
8:00-10:00 Ashtanga MYSORE STYLE (Guided Self Practice)
Learn the dynamics of flight. In this class experience helpful techniques accessing the sometimes-daunting part of the Ashtanga Vinyasa system, the jump-back, and jump through. Though challenging, need not be elusive to the practice, and believe it or not, the primary series prepares one to do so. Time will be taken to break down the parts and give useful tools to build inner strength and allow vinyasas to naturally become fluid and graceful. Building upon the jump through we will also experiment with jumping into and exiting out of postures such as bhujapidasana, bakasana, tittibahasana, astavakrasana, and vrksasana for example. Open to all who enjoy a little challenge and fun experimentation!
Sunday, 3rd June
8:00-10:00 Ashtanga MYSORE STYLE (Guied Self Practice)
All postures in the sequences of Ashtanga yoga are essential. However, in this workshop, we will take a closer look at the core the postures in both Primary and Intermediate series that are integral to opening and strengthening the body-mind to set the stage and foundation to more intelligently grown and evolve in the practice.
Since a young age, Laruga has been fascinated with mind/body connections and spiritual philosophy which later attracted her to the practice of yoga in early 1996 after a sincere connection and study of yoga philosophy. It wasnʼt until she stumbled upon Ashtanga Yoga when she fully immersed herself into a devoted practice a few years later in 1998.
Since then, she has continued to draw inspiration from her daily visit to the mat, along with long term studies with her teachers, the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and now his grandson R. Sharath Jois, of Mysore India. An advanced level practitioner and student of yoga, as well as, a Level 2 Authorized Teacher from KPJAYI of Mysore, India, Laruga entered into teaching after many years of sustained practice and brings with her over 20 years total experience instructing body movement. In turn, she is dedicated to teaching the method of Ashtanga yoga to its fullest capacity, cultivating transparency to the tradition, and the deeply rich lineage the practice originates, otherwise known as parampara.
Through it all, Laruga teaches as an act of deep sharing and love for what yoga develops in each individual; facilitating space to open, challenge, and inspire those to step into the center of their own being, and experience their inherent potential.
For further information about Laruga and her teaching schedule pleace check her website